Subscribe to your neighborhood's email list

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This web site is your link to news and information about your neighborhood delivered to your email address. It is provided as a service by Your City to help residents within neighborhoods stay connected and informed. 

Here's how it works: 
1) Two or three residents from your neighborhood volunteer to be the Reporters for your neighborhood's email list. Reporters are usually the officers of your Home Owner's Association,  but it can be anyone within the neighborhood if your area does not have an HOA. 

2) The Reporters are granted access to send news and information to everyone subscribed to the list.  News items may be lost dog announcements, births, anniversaries, "Neighborhood Watch" reports, neighborhood social events or any information that the Reporters deem newsworthy. Residents wanting to send a broadcast message to the neighborhood should contact the Reporter to relay the information.  

3) City officials will use the list to inform residents about issues or events affecting the neighborhood, including information such as street closures,  building permits issued and police activity. 

4) This is an Opt-In/Opt-Out email list. Your Home Owners Association may subscribe everyone to the list initially, but everyone has the ability to subscribe to the list (Opt-In) by following the Sign Up link on the Home page. If any subscriber wants to un-subscribe (Opt-Out) they will be able to follow a link included in each email that will delete their email from the list.


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